#3 Software Update Jan 2025

We will be releasing a software upgrade for our product in the coming days. Please read the notice below to find out about the update and what actions you may need to take.

Upgrade Information

Purchase Ordering

  • Average Cost update when placing a purchase order for a product with no stock on hand:
    • When you have no stock on hand, and raise a Purchase Order for an item, the item’s Average Cost will be set to the cost on the Purchase Order.
      This ensures that the Average Cost is more accurate for slow-moving items if the stock is sold, before being received into the system.
    • Although selling stock in negative is a bad practice, with this change, the stock value on the invoice will be more accurate, as the expectation is that the stock will be received into the system at the ordered cost to bring the stock on hand back up.

Here's an example:

Screenshot of product BEFORE a purchase order is raised.

Screenshot of Purchase Order raised for product

Screenshot of product AFTER a puchase order was raised

Shows that the product price has defaulted to the cost on the purchase order.

  • Purchase Order close now records the staff number against the purchase order history data
  • Two step creditor processing triggered from Inwards Goods now shows the correct values when receiving ex gst products

What you need to do

  • Once the update is downloaded and installed on your PC, you will need to restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.

  • We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however rest assured that the restart will only take a few minutes.

  • If you need any assistance or have any questions please call the Sympac Help Desk on (03) 5649 6200.

  • Our Client Services Team are available from 7am to 8pm EST to assist you.

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