We will be releasing a software upgrade for our product in the coming days. Please read the notice below to find out about the update and what actions you may need to take.
Upgrade Information
Point of Sale
- The purchase order comments and instructions have been expanded to allow users to include more detailed information. This is an unlimited memo box and will flow through to the end purchase order.

The details added during the entry are shown directly in the POS Grid.

You can also alter the purchase order details by using the Ctrl-T keystroke

TBO maintenance will also show the full details directly in the grid

- Till Payment Eftpos cancellation from tender screen will now check for the payment response from Till 10 times. If no payment response is received, it will return to tender screen
- A rounding issue with customer document deposits and products of more than 2 decimal places has been correctedPOS will now always reset to the Staff Number field following a reprint
- Quotes will now load the correct GP for ALTUOM products when using MUPCost for GP calculation
- Cash sales over the pre-set value will now use custom formats for invoice printing, when set
- A rounding issue with picking data entry has been corrected
What you need to do
Once the update is downloaded and installed on your PC, you will need to restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however rest assured that the restart will only take a few minutes.
If you need any assistance or have any questions please call the Sympac Help Desk on (03) 5649 6200.
- Our Client Services Team are available from 7am to 8pm EST to assist you.