We will be releasing a software upgrade for our product during the next few weeks. Please read the notice below to find out about the update and what actions you may need to take.
Key Highlights!
Security System
Updates have been made to staff logins, auto time out, main menu login and a ‘new feature’ trigger.
These are significant improvements to the system so we’ve created a special symlearning micro lesson to assist you work through them!
Excel reporting
We’ve made some adjustments to excel reporting that you will be able to benefit from in this software update, including:
- Print Preview – export to Excel has been cleaned up to provide a much better sheet layout,
- When exporting the batch invoice details for creditors to excel it now works consistently,
- Exporting search windows to excel now ensures invalid characters are not included in the filename.

Other Updates & Improvements
Point of Sale
- A new option has been added to allow the POS popup notes to show at any point after the customer has been selected

- A speed increase in POS loading has been added for terminals setup for SQL searching
- An issue where the customer document location selection box popping up multiple times when saving an order has been corrected
- Manually entered discounts no longer reset back to zero when the quantity has changed.
- When selecting a customer account at the end of a document, and pressing ESC at the initial search – then re-searching, no longer drops back to the POS grid
Customer transaction allocation process now has filtering options for both receipts and adjustment notes.

- The EOD Refund report will now produce a PDF when the EOD process is setup
- Field level auditing can now be added to the Debtor Contact table
- Exporting the Combined Till Report to excel now lines up correctly
The product search additional information has been modernised. As part of this two new fields has been added – Stock Indicator and Main Barcode

The EPG search additional information has been modernised, and will now show internally to the main search window

A new visual indicator has been added to product alter to show the system active status. This is a calculated status based off certain product fields – a hover over hint is provided to show the fields that are used to calculate the status.
Active products will be shown in green

In Active products will be shown in red

The Product Dashboard customer document detail view now has a F2 reprint option

The stock status productivity report now shows pack details when selected
Using Multistore Min/Max stocks to alter the “Ordering” column now works correctly when changing a cell to “N” – allow.
Sympac Go Quick Lists are now available to be selected for changing Bin Locations in PDE load from product alter
Purchase Ordering/Inwards Goods
- Purchase Order history can now be transmitted via SVOS
- Back dating goods inwards processes will now change the GL to reflect the date the stock was effected.
- The supplier notes popup during purchase ordering now shows all notes entered.
- Goods in no purchase order will no longer get stuck searching for a product when focusing away from the data entry screen
- Claims will no longer cut off the edge when sending direct to a printer driver
- Creditor attachments on bill to accounts are now visible in creditor enquiry when loading the main account
- Payroll STP will accumulate YTD employee values based on Paid Date
General Ledger
- An issue in GL transaction enquiry with the Subledger drill down showing a blank enquiry has been solved
General System
- System Dashboard notes can now be shared through the SVOS system
- The User Import now has a user prompt detailing the full impact of the import process
- A minor speed increase has been made when REFT reads occur

What you need to do
Once the update is downloaded and installed on your PC, you will need to restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however rest assured that the restart will only take a few minutes.
If you need any assistance or have any questions please call the Sympac Help Desk on (03) 5649 6200.
- Our Client Services Team are available from 7am to 8pm EST to assist you.